Tuesday, March 5, 2013


In the beginning of my journey, I didn't focus on fitness at all. I started with Weight Watchers after watching a friend have great success with it.  It taught me so much- mostly, how much I was eating.  My portions were out of control!

About seven months into WW, I decided I might see faster results if I started working out.  I didn't want a gym membership because it would take me away from the house and the kids.  That just wasn't an option for me.  We decided to get a used treadmill off Craigslist, to go along with DVDs I've collected over the years.

I am not a runner.  Fat girls don't like to run.  It makes our thighs rub together and that just plain sucks.

Walking on the treadmill was fine, but it wasn't going to speed up my weight loss.  I knew I'd have to do some running.  I started to run intervals- walk one minute, jog one minute.  Jog, not run.  I can't recall how long I did this, but I eventually got into the Couch to 5K program and ran TWO 5Ks!

Then, I had foot surgery in January 2012 and I stopped running.  That was easy to do since I never loved it anyway.

I've been tossing around the idea of starting to run again.  I have been struggling with weight loss- AGAIN.  Deciding maybe I needed to switch it up, I dusted off (literally) the treadmill this morning and ran 3.1 miles.





I couldn't believe I was able to keep it up. I wanted to quit a few times, but I just kept pushing through it.  Actually, I focus on my breathing and that seems to calm me/center my thoughts so I reach my  goal and not crap out.before I even hit two miles.

Now, I'm going to layer in some running each week to my already crazy work out schedule. I'm also looking into some 5Ks to run this spring or summer.  Eventually  I would like to run a 10K or even a half marathon!  Just typing that out intimidates me!

My messy basement - just enough room for the treadmill!
View from said treadmill.  


  1. I hope you keep up the running! I know it sounds crazy now, but eventually it will feel like meditating to run 3 or 4 miles :-) You can do it! Hope to read that you've done a half marathon in the future!

  2. Great job!!! It does get easier (I didn't say easy) and I look forward to my runs. Get outside when the weather will let you too. I seriously need my other mom's when I run.

  3. Your story is so inspiring! Thank you for sharing your story, and it is incredible that you love to run. I wish I had the drive for that, but the Beachbody workouts are amazing, and you are definitely proof of that!

  4. That is so cool..I supplement my beachbody stuff with running too..best thing about it to me is I can watch TV while doing it..lol...if I can get into something I can zone out and have a really good workout.
