Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2013 Goals

My parents instilled a belief that anything was possible, that I could do anything I set my mind to, as long as I worked hard.  I've lived my entire life believing in that.

I lost some of that drive as I got older.

I could blame it on having kids. Your focus and priorities in life just shift once you become a parent.  Rather easily, I lost focus on my goals and the other things I want in life in addition to being their mom..

It's become clear to me that I want to do more.  To not just exist- but live.  To lead them by example of setting goals and reaching them.

I can say to myself or my husband that I want to do this or I want to try that, but if I just say them, there's really no one to throw it back in my face when I never do it.

I need that throw back.

So, think of this as my bucket list.  Goals I will achieve in 2013.

1. Get a food processor (starting easy!)
2.  Lose the last 10-12 lbs
3.  Build my Beachbody business by making at least Ruby coach by 8/31/13.
5.  Save $25K towards our down payment for our next home by 12/31/13.
6.  Take the family on a week long vacation this summer.
7. Write on this blog at least four times a week.
8.  Never drink a diet soda again
9. Complete Insanity
10. Do more volunteer work, especially during holiday season

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