Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January Numbers & Deep Thoughts

I started this post originally with a negative tone.

I didn't lose any weight this week.

I read it a few times and deleted it.  It insinuates that I'm unhappy with my weigh in today.  Did I love seeing the same exact number as last week?  No, but it didn't depress me as it normally would.

Could it be I'm getting over my obsession with the scale?  An interesting thought, but not sure I can answer that since I'm sure, in an obsessive fit, I'll weight myself again.  Tomorrow.

It's the end of the month though and that means I take measurements too.  In my rational mind (not the one I always use!), I know inches are more important.  After all, muscle weighs more than fat.  I had already decided I would be lucky if I lost an inch this month when I got out my trusty measuring tape.

To my complete delight, I lost a total of 2.5 inches and 2.5 lbs this month!  One inch was from my "upper" belly alone!

I feel great this morning.  I was stagnant for so long that these 2.5 inches mean a lot to me.  It's incredible motivation to keep going in the right direction and not give up.

My wish is for every person struggling with their weight is to not give up.  It's so easy to get discouraged, I know.

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